Wissenschaftliche Artikel zu TinkerSchool
Durch unsere Arbeit und den engen Austausch mit Lehrenden und Lernenden erfahren wir die positiven Auswirkungen beim Einsatz unserer Lösungen im Unterricht aus erster Hand. Darüber hinaus gibt es jedoch auch zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Artikel und Anwendungsbeispiele, welche die Effektivität der eingesetzten Methoden zeigen. Nachfolgend haben wir einige englische Publikationen dazu aufgelistet:
Die Maker-Bewegung in der Bildung
- The Maker Movement in Education
- The urgency of Maker education
- Bringing the Maker Movement to the School
- The Maker Movement in Education
- The makerspace experience and teacher professional development
- Maker movement spreads innovation one project at a time
- Maker Principles and Technologies in Teacher Education – A National Survey
- Learning in the Making – A Comparative Case Study of Three Makerspaces
- A place to make, hack and learn: makerspaces in Australian public libraries
- Change in the Making – Makerspaces and the Ever-Changing Landscape of Libraries
- Creativity Through Maker Experiences and Design Thinking in the Education of Librarians
- Paperts Prison Fab Lab – Implications for the maker movement and education
- Re-‘making’ the world of education: A learning revolution
- What is Maker education?
- How maker education is impacting student cognition
- The Maker Movement in K-12 Education: A Guide to Emerging Research
- Research Roundup: Some Studies on Making and Learning
- The Invention Studio – A University Maker Space and Culture
Forschung zu Active Learning
- Active learning leads to higher grades and fewer failing students in science, math, and engineering – Wired
- Research on active learning at Duke
- Active Learning Strategies for Teachers
- Active Learning in Research Methods Classes Is Associated with Higher Knowledge and Confidence, Though not Evaluations or Satisfaction
- Does active learning work? A review of the research
- Active learning interventions and student perceptions
Forschung zu visuell-räumlicher Intelligenz
- Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth – Vanderbilt University
- Can Teaching Spatial Skills Help Bridge the STEM Gender Gap?
- A Comparative Analysis of Spatial Visualization Ability and Drafting Models for Industrial and Technology Education Students
- Effectiveness of communication of spatial engineering information through 3D CAD and 3D printed models
- Why Spatial Intelligence is Important and How to Help Students Develop It
Forschung zu Mädchen und Frauen im MINT-Bereich
- Under challenge: Girls’ confidence level, not math ability hinders path to science degrees
- Articles on Women in STEM – The Conversation
- Why don’t European girls like Science or Technology? – Microsoft
- Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – AAUW
- Girls in STEM – Accenture
- Generation STEM – Girl Scouts
- Researchers look to make maths, sciences appealing to girls – The Australian
- The Research Files Episode 38: Girls in STEM – Teacher Magazine
- Cracking the code: Girls’ and women’s education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) – UNESCO
- We’ve studied gender and STEM for 25 years. The science doesn’t support the Google memo – Recode
- The Complex Data on Girls in STEM – The Atlantic
- Researchers explain how stereotypes keep girls out of computer science classes – The Washington Post
Forschung zu projektbasiertem Lernen
Forschung zur Integration von Technologien im Unterricht
- The NMC/CoSN Horizon Report: 2017 K–12 Edition
- Teaching in a Digital Age: How Educators Use Technology to Improve Student Learning
- Effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students’ learning performance – Science Direct
- Technology Integration Research Review: Annotated Bibliography – Edutopia